The daily routine is flexible, responsive to the children and varies according to the length of the day, time of the year and current happenings, however each day usually includes some or all of the following: 

On arrival, children are welcomed as they place lunchboxes, sheets and water bottles away before proceeding on to our outside space.     

Outside Play is relished by the children. Our centre is fortunate to enjoy a large shady fig tree with exposed tree roots and well established gardens.  Our outdoors space invites open-ended interactions, spontaneity, risk taking, exploration, discovery and connection with nature.  We have a large shady grassed area, large, covered sand pit, various climbing fort structures, swing area, digging patch area and a senses garden for quiet play and exploration.  The outdoors space invites a range of visiting wildlife including kookaburras and other birds, bees, worms, lizards, frogs, and possums. 

Group Times offer a time to gather, welcome one another and ‘acknowledge’ our traditional owners the Yuggera and Turrbal peoples. Sharing in discussions together helps to establish a sense of belonging to group, and promote peer learning.

Inside Play provides an opportunity for children to develop ideas, create, plan play scenarios and make up games.  These experiences build understanding and relationships, encourage persistence, risk taking and incorporates language and literacy to communicate ideas. The games can remain in place for the following days demonstrating to children that their ideas are valued and allowing them to return to games and pursue them to a satisfying conclusion. 

Morning tea and Lunch times encourage social interactions for all the children. The children engage in a progressive morning tea and everyone comes together to eat lunch. Independence is encouraged in managing food containers and managing the choices of food from their lunch boxes. 

Music and Movement provides an opportunity for our young children to engage in social interactions, language and self-expressions.  Usually a favourite, this is enjoyed by both children and teachers. 

Transitions and Tidying/Packing away are an integral component to the day. 

Language/Storytime is a time to read books and listen as a member of a group. 

Rest time is an opportunity for the children to rest their bodies and minds. Options for resting include – quiet music, fiddle bags, listening to stories, yoga, or meditation. 

Bush Kindy is offered in terms 2 and 3 (the cooler months).

Afternoon quiet activities